Birthday Parties at the Children's
How would you like to celebrate your next birthday?
In case you or your parents are looking for ideas, here are a few suggestions
from the Children's Museum how to find just the right party for that
special day:
Theatre party
The party begins with an introduction to our Old Country Store. You
and your friends then dress up in historical costumes and play the roles
of buyer, seller or cashier, just like in an old-fashioned grocery store
a hundred years ago!
For kids turning 7 or older
Paper party
Create paper from a wide variety of elements! You make your own special
paper paste, and produce from this paste many different kinds of paper.
Watermarks, plants, confetti, fragrant spices can all be integrated
into the paper. Each piece of paper is an original!
For kids turning 7 or older
Printingparty "Schwarze Kunst"
Printing party: "Black magic" In our historical printing workshop you
can make up your own story, then set and print it using old traditional
methods. After that you can experiment with adding colors to the text.
At the end of the party every one goes home with his or her own book!
For kids turning 11 or older (max 10 kids)
Scheduled times:
Sat. 11am-2 pm or Wed. 2:30-5:30pm
Fee for this party: 125 Euro
Scheduled times for other parties:
Tue-Sun 2:30-4:30 pm
Group fee (up to 10 kids and two adults):
100 Euro, Each further guest: 5 Euro
Information and booking: 212 35633 (Mon-Fri 10 a.m.-4 p.m.)
Cake and drinks can be brought. The Children Museum provides the rest,
from plates and spoons to microwave.